...but Justin Bieber cut his infamous locks recently, and gave some to TV talk show host Ellen DeGeneres as a belated birthday present when he appeared on her show last week. While to the uninitiated, it may seem sorta odd that a successful and otherwise seemingly mature - not to mention lesbian - woman would want a lock of a boy's hair, Ellen has a good reason. She put the golden strands up for auction on EBay and plans to donate the proceeds to a California animal shelter. According to local news radio station KHTS, bidding currently stands over $13,000.00!
Well, apparently, they both have some of his hair.
Ok, admittedly, this is just an unabashed excuse to post a picture of the 'tween hearthrobe on my obscure blog (anything to drive traffic, eh?)...
...but Justin Bieber cut his infamous locks recently, and gave some to TV talk show host Ellen DeGeneres as a belated birthday present when he appeared on her show last week. While to the uninitiated, it may seem sorta odd that a successful and otherwise seemingly mature - not to mention lesbian - woman would want a lock of a boy's hair, Ellen has a good reason. She put the golden strands up for auction on EBay and plans to donate the proceeds to a California animal shelter. According to local news radio station KHTS, bidding currently stands over $13,000.00!
...but Justin Bieber cut his infamous locks recently, and gave some to TV talk show host Ellen DeGeneres as a belated birthday present when he appeared on her show last week. While to the uninitiated, it may seem sorta odd that a successful and otherwise seemingly mature - not to mention lesbian - woman would want a lock of a boy's hair, Ellen has a good reason. She put the golden strands up for auction on EBay and plans to donate the proceeds to a California animal shelter. According to local news radio station KHTS, bidding currently stands over $13,000.00!