Hunting Crocs

The crocodile – a masterful predator that has change little in over 200 million years. And in the Katuma River in Africa, massive crocodiles wait in the calm water for the perfect ambush opportunity.

These hunters are so strong, they grip their quarry and hold it beneath the water's surface until it drowns. Since crocodiles can't chew, they swallow prey whole. And thanks to an acidic stomach, they can digest most of what they eat –bones, skin, muscles, organs and all.

Crocs also perform a vital service to the river's ecosystem. By feeding on the rotting flesh of carcasses, they cleanse the river of a potential source of infection.

Each croc claims a territory along the river – maybe a few hundred yards long – and will fiercely guard every inch. During mating season, dominant males intimidate rivals, and woo multiple females with circling and rubbing. When she lays her eggs, she will rarely feed and stay close to her nest, as nearby monitor lizards will sniff them out and steal eggs for a meal.